11th (1997)

International Stasys Šimkus‘ Choir Competition, which gathered 18 choirs from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, was held on the 18th – 19th of October, 1997.
The winners of the first round of the competition were Liepaja mixed choir “Intis” (leader Ilze Valce), Liepaja female choir “Aija” (leader Gunta Vite), Vilnius Pedagogical university youth mixed choir “Ave vita” (leader Kastytis Barisas, Saulius Liausa), and Klaipėda Eduardas Balsys Art Gymnasium children’s choir (leader Zita Kariniauskienė); these choirs were awarded a bounty. The GRAND AMBER prize and the main bounty were awarded to the chamber choir of Kaunas Vytautas Didysis Ascension of Mother Mary church (leader Rolandas Daugėla). Special prize (founded by Lithuanian Music Society) for the best performance of a modern composer’s musical composition was awarded to Liepaja mixed choir “Intis” (leader Ilze Valce). Special prize (founded by LLK centre) of the most valuable programme was awarded to Vilnius Chamber female choir “Eglė” (leader Raimondas Katinas). Special prize (founded by S. Šimkus sons Algis and Neris) for the best performance of S. Šimkus’ musical compositions was awarded to Klaipėda mixed Chamber choir (leader Vimantas Ruzgys). Special prize (founded by the club “Jauna Muzika”) was awarded to Klaipėda Vydūnas‘ secondary school children’s choir (leader Arvydas Girdzijauskas) for the best pronunciation while performing in foreign language. Special prize (founded by the Choir Association “Aukuras”) of the audience was awarded to Liepaja mixed choir “Intis” (leader Ilze Valce). Special prize for the best compulsory musical composition performance (founded by judge commission) was awarded to Vilnius chamber choir “Eglė” (leader Raimondas Katinas). The prize of Klaipėda S. Šimkus‘ Conservatoire was awarded to the chamber choir of Kaunas Vytautas Didysis Ascension of Mother Mary church for the performance of S. Šimkus song “Nakties tylumoj” (leader Rolandas Daugėla) on the decision of the representatives of S. Šimkus‘ conservatoire. The participants of the competition were judged by the chairman Professor Venno Laul (Estonia) and members – Associated Professor Jurij Klavins (Latvia), Professor Gediminas Purlys (Lithuania), secretary Kęstutis Kačinskas.
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