3rd (1978)

In THE THIRD Stasys Šimkus‘ choir competition which took place in May, 1978, 31 choirs from Vilnius, Kaunas, Panevėžys, Klaipėda and Alytus took part. Judges led by Klemensas Griauzdė granted the name of laureate to the mixed choir of workers of education of Panevėžys (leader Jonas Grubliauskas), the female choir of Kaunas Water Design Institute (leader Zinaida Gerasina), the youngest singers choir of Klaipėda‘s Secondary School No. 10 (leader T. Kundrotaitė), the choir of Secondary Boarding-school No. 1 (leader Julija Lisauskienė), and the mixed choir of K. Donelaitis Secondary School (leader Stanislava Jareckaitė).
The prize (founded by Stasys Šimkus‘ Higher Music School) for the best performer of a S. Šimkus’ song was granted to the female choir of Water Design Institute and the mixed choir of K. Donelaitis Secondary School.
A choir from Debrecen and mixed choir of Klaipėda Pedagogical Faculty of State Conservatoire (leader Vytautas Pučinskas) performed to the participants of the competition.
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