Klaipeda Vyduno Gymnasium Children's Choir,
Artistic Leader and Conductor Arvudas Girdzijauskas,
Choirmaster Ingrida Bertulienė,
Concertmaster Romas Kalvėnas
The children’s choir of Vyduno secondary school was established in 1992, together with the Klaipeda School of Humanities. The choir was developing together with the school growth. Today the Children’s choir is one of five choirs of the school, attended by singers from 5 to 8 grades. During the last 20 years choir was taking part in traditional song festivals of Klaipeda county and all the Lithuania. The choir is constantly arranging concerts all over Lithuania, as well in Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Russia, United Kingdom, etc. In the choir competition of State children’s song festival 1997 the choir won title of laureates. In October 1999 the choir in the XII-th International Competition of Stasys Shimkus won the second prices in the children’s choir’s group.. In summer year 2000 the choir took part in the choir festival "Svatky Pisni" Olomouc, Czech Republic, and won the silver medal. In children choir’s competition in Italy, Malcesine sul Garda in 2008 choir was awarded by III place prize. In October 2009 the choir took part in the XVII-th International Competition of Stasys Shimkus in Klaipeda and won I-st place and the “Little Amber Price”. In 2010 in the “Youth Choir Festival” in Neerpelt, Belgium, the choir was awarded by the 1-st price. In 2013 in the festival “Venezia in Musica” the choir was awarded by two golden diplomas. The choir is often performing Lithuanian choir music for children, but the masterpieces of world choral music are included in the repertoire as well. Despite the intensive concert activity, the process of music education and personality development is the main field of interest in the Children's choir of Vyduno secondary school.

Conductor Arvydas Girdzijauskas
Artistic Leader and Conductor Arvydas Girdzijauskas
Email: arvydas.girdzijauskas@gmail.com