Vilija Mažintaitė

Vilija Mažintaitė, talented and ambitious young conductor and composer was born in Vilnius into a family of musicians (her grandmother was the famous Lithuanian choir conductor and teacher Nadežda Kazakauskienė, her mother – is a music history and theory teacher, and her brother – a pianist), and spent her childhood and teenage years in a cultural and musical environment, surrounded by artists and cultural representatives. Having successfully graduated from the National M.K. Čiurlionis School of Arts and Lithuanian Music and theater academy (awarded the qualification of Master in Music degree and conductor and music teacher's professional qualification), Vilija became actively involved in the Lithuanian and foreign cultural life. In 2008 she started her career as a composer and since then has created a wide variety of music - from developed Lithuanian folk songs to musicals, electro-folk mysteries and mystical cantatas (the 2018 mystical cantata "Axis Mundi" for choir and soloist, string quartet, piano and reader is the first work in this genre by a Lithuanian author). Her latest achievement and most recent work is the "Oratorija džiaugsmui, vilčiai ir šviesai" (“Oratory of Joy, Hope and Light”) for choir, soloist, string quartet and piano written in the year 2023.